Free GRE Practice Test | Free GRE Online Review

Practice for free with Manhattan Review's GRE Practice Test

If you were to take the GRE today, do you know what your score would be? Let's face it—taking a mock exam is a giant leap forward in your GRE preparation journey. Not only does it highlight areas of improvement and show your hard-earned success, but it also gives you "the test day experience," something the bulk of other practice materials cannot offer. Thankfully, we offer a free mock GRE test to all prospective students because we realize all too well the value of knowing a projected score. Knowing that number is the first step, and we're poised to facilitate that for you free of charge.

A bonus feature to our free practice exam is that it's section-adaptive, just like the actual GRE. Correct answers give way to harder questions in the following section, which can be tricky to practice at home. With all the hard work you've been doing on preparing, you deserve an exam that mimicks the real thing. What we're offering isn't just vaguely similar to the test, it's one of the closest things you'll get to the test.

As a reputable leading test prep company, we are the first to admit the importance that diagnostic mock exams play in GRE preparation. In addition to our highly accurate content and question types, mock GRE tests bring in an additional important element—the constraint of time. Ultimately, these aid in arriving at an arsenal of GRE strategies that are sure to make the most impact and help raise your impressive score to one of truly great heights.

Do you know what your GRE score would be if you took the test today? Are you anxious to track your progress from your rigorous course of study? Why wait when you can simply click on the link below and fill out a form to receive immediate access to our free GRE section-adaptive practice test? You've come so far, let's go even farther and get you one step closer to the school of your dreams.

GRE Preparation Tests

Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)

GRE Prep Course Online - Photo of Student Puja

I wanted to thank you for teaching my class and being such a dedicated instructor. When I first started studying for the GRE I was doing it from complete scratch as I had not done this type of math in many years. I was scoring in the low 300's, and was having trouble with some of the quick math necessary to do well on the test. Our class helped me figure out how to break down problems into commonly found concepts and to quickly do the computation to answer them (by, for example, factoring). I took the GRE this past Friday and scored a 720 in math -- much higher than I had originally hoped for when I started studying. I know your going the extra mile to help, both in tutoring and in class, really made a difference to my score. Thanks again!
- Puja (This student took out GRE Tutoring)

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